Manuel Guilbault's Blog

Hosting an Aurelia app on Azure

In this serie:

  1. Hosting an Aurelia app on Azure (this post)
  2. Deploying an Aurelia app on Azure using VSTS
  3. Adding deep linking support to an Azure Functions-based Aurelia app
  4. Adding Let’s Encrypt to an Azure Functions-based Aurelia app (coming soon)

When it comes to hosting a static website on Azure, there are multiple possibilities, each with their own advantages and limitations.

One of those possibilities is to host the static files as a Web Application. However, this can be a pretty expensive solution, as the cheapest pricing tier supporting custom domains is a little more than 8 euros per month. Even more, if you want to support SSL, it bumps up to nearly 50 euros.

In this blog post, I’m going to show how to host an Aurelia application (or any static site, actually) on Azure for *almost* nothing. We’ll host the application’s files on a Blob storage container, then use an Azure Proxy Function, which will act as an entry point and work around some limitations of Blob storage.

For sites than have less than a million visits per month, this setup will likely cost less than a couple of euros per month. This is because Blob storage is really cheap, and Azure Functions, when using the consumption plan, come with a million of free executions per month.

You can use this sample Aurelia application if you want to follow along.

To follow this post, you’ll need an Azure subscription.

Storing files on a Blob storage container

We’ll start by creating a Blob storage container and upload a simple Aurelia application to it.

Creating the storage account

Start by navigating to your Azure portal.

Create Blob storage account

Go to New > Storage > Storage account. A storage account creation form will show. Fill the following properties:

You can next click on Create.

Azure is going to work for a little while. Once your Blob storage account has been created, navigate to it (you can either search for it in the top search bar, or simply click on the success notification). You’ll see the following:

Blob storage account overview

Under Services, click on Blobs, then on the button to add a Container:

Add blob storage container

Give the container the name you want (I named mine blog-post-aurelia-azure) and select Blob as the access type, so the data stored in the container is publicly visible on the web, then click OK. Your new Blob container will be created.

Uploading the app

For the next steps, you’ll need the Azure Storage Explorer installed.

Scroll left so you see your storage account, and click on the Open in Explorer button. This will launch the Azure Storage Explorer. Follow the instructions and sign in, so you see your subscription(s) in the explorer’s left panel.

In this left panel, expand your subscription, then your storage account and its Blob Containers and select your new container. Then, in the container’s tab in the center panel, use the Upload button to upload the files and folders of your Aurelia application.

Open the blob container in Azure explorer

If you upload the sample app provided at the beginning of this post, first make sure you au build it before hand (see its file), then upload the scripts folder, and the favicon.ico and index.html files.

Accessing the files

Once the app is uploaded to Azure, let’s try to access the files from a browser. Go back to your storage account on the Azure portal and copy it’s Primary blob service endpoint, which is a URL following this pattern: https://<your_storage_account_name> In my case, the URL is

To this URL, append the name of the Blob container, followed by /index.html (or the name of your application’s index file). In my case, the final URL looks like this:

If you access this URL in a browser, the index.html page should load (check your browser’s developer tools to make sure). Now, if you used the sample Aurelia application provided at the beginning of this post, or if your own Aurelia app uses the router with push state, your app shouldn’t work when you navigate to this URL. This is because Aurelia expects that the application is loaded using a default document (without the index.html part), so the router can correctly match the / path to its home route.

Using Azure Proxy Functions

Accessing an Aurelia application directly from the Blob storage URL has some severe limitations:

To solve these issues, we’ll create an Azure Function app on top of the Blob storage container, that will act as a proxy for our application.

Creating an Azure Function Application

Go to New Proxy Function

In the Azure dashboard, click on New, search for function, click on Function App, then on Create. Next, fill the form:

Fill the form

You can next click on Create.

Enabling Proxy Functions

At the moment of writing, the Azure Proxy Functions feature is in preview. As such, it must be enabled before it can be used.

To do so, navigate to your new Function App in the Azure portal. In the Overview tab, under Configured features, click on Function app settings. This will open a new tab titled Function app settings, under which you can enable Proxies by toggling the feature to On.

Function app settings

Creating an Azure Proxy Function

Navigate to your Function App in the Azure portal, and click on the plus button beside the Proxies list item. This will display a creation form, which you can fill:

Proxy Function creation form

You can next click on Create.

This function will dispatch all requests sent to to my Blob storage container. However, in order to support default documents, so the index.html file is loaded when accessing the / path, we need to create a second proxy function with the following properties:

Proxy Function creation form

Now click on Create.

Testing the application

We now have two proxy functions. The first one, named root, will be used to load the index.html when accessing the root of our function app’s domain, and a second one named default which will simply forward any other requests to the Blob storage container. The first one will be used to load our Aurelia application itself, and the second one will kick in when the index.html file will load our application’s bundles, CSS files or images.

To test the application, simply launch a browser tab and navigate to your function app’s URL (in my case, The Aurelia app (or your static site) should load properly now.

Making the Blob storage container private

Since the Blob storage container is no more accessed directly, but only through a Proxy Function, you can make it private to make sure no one can access it directly from the web.

To do this, go back to your Blob storage container in your Azure portal, then click on Access policy. You should see this form come up:

Changing Blob storage container access type

Here, simply change the Public access level to Private and click Save.

Wrapping things up

With two very simple proxy functions and a Blob storage container, we now have an Aurelia app (or a static site) hosted on Azure, for a very cheap price. Additionally, since our application is accessed through a function app, we can easily add a custom domain and an SSL certificate to our app.

In my next post, I show how to use Visual Studio Team Services to automate the build and deployment of an Aurelia application to a Blob storage container. Stay tuned!

Thanks to @NatMarchand for the idea!

#Azure #Aurelia #Web


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